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After 7 months of planning and 300 pages of documentation (we love paperwork in scouting) the Snowy Expedition is finally underway (see Victor Scouts on the top of Australia ). After 2 long days on the bus, our expedition arrived at the Scouts Alpine Centre in Jindabyne and were treated (unexpectedly ) to a welcome to country and the amazing hospitality of the sharing of traditional foods with the Ngarigo people. And spent the night learning how to prepare native flora and fauna for eating and learning more about our country’s culture. 

UPDATE: See them on trail

The next day was devoted to packing for the 3 Adventurous journeys into the Snowy high country, with food prep, safety briefings and equipment checks, with a few running to the Jindabyne outdoor stores to replace a forgotten item or two.

You can never have enough scroggin says youth expedition Leader Samuel
AJ Hike 3 patrol food packing…how can we fit all this stuff in?

Waking up this morning, a weather alert had come through for high winds (120km/hr) on the peaks and while it was back to sleeping bags for most , the leaders and AJ hike leaders Samuel, Jaymi and Matthew had a extra unit council to decide what to do and working through the logistics of some of the travel plans and leader availability into the mix . Its seems a sleep-in was the order of the day and putting into place the backup plans already developed back in Brisbane. Wow all the  risk assessments, procedures and journey planning are actually useful !

Big thanks to expedition leader Jungle Jim and his team of guides Malcolm (Kaa) and Echidna (Lynda) and support leaders Chil, Baloo, Badger, Catfish, Achilles. and T. for all your efforts…you guys rock!.

Tomorrow they tackle the mountain..if it lets them!